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About me

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to look at my website, it took an embarrassing amount of time to create. My name is Ty and I'm a soon-to-be college graduate studying advertising. I'm originally from outside of San Diego but moved to Boston for school. While I've enjoyed experiencing real seasons, I miss the constant sun and warmth. But hey, at least I tried!

I spent the past 4 years studying advertising at Boston University's College of Communication. Besides my advertising coursework, I also minored in business administration in the Questrom School of Business. As part of my degree, I also took upper level psychology courses to supplement my advertising education. 


My time at BU gave me a wide variety of experiences. From working over 3 years at Residence Life to studying abroad in Australia to interning at Boston magazine, my undergraduate career has taught me a lot in a short span of time.

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